
What to Expect

30 mins or more

If you're experiencing a dental emergency, we urge you to call us immediately; our team is here to help you through any urgent dental concerns, including severe pain, broken or chipped teeth, abscesses, lost fillings, or soft tissue injuries.

Our doctor prioritizes your immediate comfort and well-being, taking swift action to alleviate your discomfort and address the issue at hand. To properly evaluate the emergency, an X-ray of the area will be necessary for Dr. Diaz to address your situation and provide a clear treatment plan.

What is a Dental Emergency?


Dental trauma encompasses any injury to the mouth, including damage to the teeth, gums, or jawbone. If you the trauma involves a tooth that has fallen out of the mouth, please give us a call. Dr. Diaz will do her best to see you as soon as possible. You should not wait more than two hours to be seen by a dental professional.

Guidelines for Knocked Out Teeth by The American Association of Endodontists


Dental abscesses are ALWAYS a dental emergency. Please call our office if you suspect an abscess, treatment necessary may include incision and drainage, root canal treatment or extraction. Dr. Diaz will also prescribe antibiotics to fight the infection, reduce swelling, and prevent the spread of bacteria throughout the body, ensuring a safer and more effective treatment.

Learn about the urgency and treatment of dental abscesses in this detailed video from the American Dental Association, highlighting why immediate care is crucial:


Broken teeth are considered a dental emergency because they can expose the inner layers of the tooth to bacteria, leading to infection or further damage. Additionally, they can cause significant pain and discomfort, necessitating immediate care to prevent complications and restore dental health.

Please call our office if you experience any of these or other dental emergencies. We will do our best to fit you in our schedule to ensure prompt and compassionate care.