Crowns, Veneers & Bridges

What to Expect

1 hr to 1.5 hours

During your veneer, crown or bridge appointment, you can expect a detailed evaluation of your dental needs, followed by precise preparation of your tooth or teeth to ensure a perfect fit for the restoration. This process may include taking impressions, selecting the right shade for a natural look, and applying a temporary veneer, crown or bridge with a follow-up visit to place the permanent restoration and adjust for comfort and aesthetics.

Dr. Diaz will thoroughly evaluate your dental condition and inform you which option, be it veneer, crowns, bridges, or another treatment, is best suited to restore your smile effectively.

What is the Difference Between Veneers, Crowns & Bridges?


Dental Veneers are thin, custom-made shells crafted from porcelain or composite material, designed to cover the front surface of teeth to improve their appearance. They are an ideal solution for correcting issues such as discoloration, chips, slight misalignments, or gaps, offering a durable and aesthetic enhancement to your smile.

Discover the benefits and process of dental crowns with this informative explanation video provided by the American Dental Association:


Dental crowns are custom-made restorations that fit over the entire part of a tooth above the gum line, effectively restoring its shape, size, strength, and appearance. They are typically used when a tooth is damaged or decayed to the point where fillings cannot provide sufficient restoration, providing a durable solution for preserving the tooth's functionality.

Crowns can restore natural tooth structure or a dental implant that has been placed.

Discover the benefits and process of dental crowns with this informative explanation video provided by the American Dental Association:


Dental bridges are restorative solutions that fill the gap created by one or more missing teeth, using crowns on either side of the gap to anchor a false tooth (or teeth) in place. This not only restores the appearance and functionality of your smile but also prevents remaining teeth from shifting, maintaining the integrity of your bite and jaw alignment.

There are two types of bridges: natural tooth supported and dental implant supported.

Reach out to us for your veneers, crowns, and bridges; we guarantee a service delivered with unmatched professionalism, ensuring safety and responsibility at every step.