Root Canals

What to Expect

1 hour to 2 hours

Should Dr. Diaz ascertain that a root canal is necessary for your tooth, rest assured that the procedure will be conducted with the utmost care for your comfort.

The tooth in question will be gently numbed using a local anesthetic, ensuring a completely pain-free experience. Dr. Diaz will meticulously remove any infected or damaged pulp, thoroughly clean and disinfect the inner chambers of the tooth, and securely fill and seal it to ward off any future infection.

The procedure may be finalized with the placement of a crown or a filling (depending on the amount of tooth structure destroyed by the decay/cavity), crafted for both protection and a seamless blend with your natural teeth, ensuring durability and a return to optimal oral health.

Should your situation require specialized attention, Dr. Diaz may refer you to a root canal specialist, known as an endodontist, to ensure you receive the highest standard of care for your procedure.

What are the signs and symptoms that I need a root canal?

Signs and symptoms that may indicate the need for a root canal include:

  • Persistent toothache pain when chewing or applying pressure

  • Prolonged sensitivity to hot or cold temperatures, even after the source of temperature has been removed

  • Discoloration or darkening of the tooth

  • Swelling and tenderness in the nearby gums

  • A recurring or persistent pimple on the gums, often indicative of an abscess

  • Severe decay or an injury that has caused an infection in the bone surrounding the tooth

  • Throbbing of the tooth without any triggers

If the signs and symptoms indicating a need for a root canal are ignored, the infection can spread, leading to more severe dental issues, including abscess formation, increased pain, and even tooth loss. Additionally, the infection has the potential to affect overall health, possibly spreading to other parts of the body.

If you're experiencing any issues that might require a root canal, we invite you to come in for a consultation to discuss your needs and explore your options